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Three Memorable Projects: Photo Retouching

From merging existing assets together to making final touches to make a perfect picture, photo retouching allows you to enjoy seamless images that can adjust reality. Every project offers a different kind of puzzle for our crew, so TRG Photo Retoucher Emily Germann shared three notable projects that she found particularly memorable.


First of all, the images from this project were a feast to look at when they landed on my desk from the set, with shots ranging from darkly romantic to soft pastel spills of flowers. This project was particularly challenging because the diamond facets needed to be drawn in, particularly on the closer up shots. There were lots of tiny details to make perfect, so it’s super satisfying to look back and see the finished assets.

House of Rohl

This project is a favorite mostly because it was so fun to look at as I retouched the images. Everything from the composition and colors to the textures and objects came together in such a pleasing way with the product.

Silver faucet with food on cutting board and green background

Natural Balance

This project was memorable because it was a massive endeavor with many logistical hurdles. Also, it was accomplished smack in the middle of the transition from our old studio to the new one.

This shoot took place in a temporary warehouse space at the new, then unfinished studio. At the time, several retouchers, including me, packed up our computer stations and set up on location with the photographers, stylists, and clients for a couple of weeks. I was so impressed by how smoothly the whole project was executed under those circumstances, with hundreds of products and images to keep track of and dicey internet connection. It was interesting to be out on set the entire time with all the hustle and bustle. Another bonus: there were dog actors.

Hire the Right Photo Retouchers to Piece Your Puzzle Together

Every project is different, which is why it’s best to work with a multimedia studio that can provide a personalized approach to piecing your photos together. Contact TRG today to talk to our experts about professional photography, video, CGI, or retouching services for your organization.

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