Retouching is a crucial final step in the process before final images are sent to clients. TRG’s retouching experts remove imperfections, make color correction, create/eliminate shadows, or control highlight and shadow ranges as needed. When more complex image compositing is needed, our team is ready to pull off some digital magic.
Composite imagery is photography, computer-generated images (CGI), and/or stock photos that are blended together to create hyper-realistic or fantastical results. Using compositing, we can create anything your imagination can dream up. We're able to take existing assets and merge them together to create a seamless finished image that is indiscernible to the viewer. Every project is unique and all solutions are customized to ensure you get exceptional results that work perfectly for your campaign.
Compositing is like a puzzle that doesn't come with a set number of pieces. Our compositing experts work to assemble the right pieces for your puzzle and shape them to suit your specific project.