The Difference btw RGB and CMYK - In a Nutshell
Easily understood information in small doses, so you can get the info you need and move on with your day.
Geometry Global | AAPEX Project Spotlight
We have said time and time again that we are obsessed with amazing imagery. It's not just a tagline we tell people; we have a building full of people crazy for amazing images. When we get a call from a client with a very unique or interesting concept for images, it sets the studio abuzz with excitement. We want to share a really cool project with you that did just that recently.
Our 5 Favorite Composite Projects
Projects that consist of heavy compositing are often our favorite projects in the studio, for several reasons.
Mona Lisa Spec Composite Project Spotlight
From time to time TRG is asked to do spec images for our clients that they then use to try and get approval for a job. Whether we pass on jobs like these or accept them depends on many factors. These projects are usually pretty basic proof of concepts, but sometimes they are more than that. We'd like to share a project with you that we did recently that was particularly notable.
How to Become a Retoucher!
How do you become a photo retoucher? We share the stories from five of our retouchers and how they ended up in the field.