What You Need to Know About TRG's CGI Process
TRG Reality creates high-quality CGI for organizations in Cleveland and around the nation. Learn about TRG’s CGI process today.

The Perfect Set: Finding, Building, or Imagining Using CGI Services
For a photographer, the world in which your subject lives is as important as the subject itself. When shooting a product for an advertiser, you must decide how to present the product, and in what type of environment. Where a product is set establishes a mood for the viewer whether on a conscious our subconscious level.

Pre-Production: Laying the Groundwork
By definition, pre-production is anything that happens before the day of a shoot. And if you do it right, your shoot day should go very smoothly. Pre-production meetings are the meetings where all of your planning is accomplished. They may not be as lengthy as the Papal conclave, but there is a lot of subject matter to cover. They are an imperative part of the entire project so that you can make sure you get everything you need or want out of the images.

Why is Pre-Production Important When Creating CGI Room Sets?
Pre-production is important for producing high-quality CGI room sets. Here’s what you need to know before working with a CGI production company.

CGI Project Checklist
When it comes to CGI Projects, a fair amount of our work is for clients who have never tried it before. They usually have a whole host of questions, which is completely understandable with a relatively new technology. We do our best to provide as much information as possible on our website and our blog - which hopefully answers most of your questions before you even have to pick up the phone.

4 Reasons You Need High Quality Imagery Right Now
Ok, we say it all the time and by now, you're probably sick of hearing it - but this is true, we live for creating imagery of all kinds. It doesn't matter what the product is, what you're using it for, or what your overall project goals are, there is nothing that excites us more than to partner with you and work together to bring your ideas to life.

We Created a CG Room of Our CG Room!
TRG Reality’s CG department has done it again. In one of our most recent and super fun projects, Mike has created a 1:1 rendering of our own CG office. You may recall our blog on Oculus and the latest trend of using the game-centered technology to manipulate and enter into any CG world. The main idea of our project was to offer a tour of the CG office space via Oculus for that true 3D CGI experience; however, we have created a version that doesn’t need the Oculus Headset - so you can take a look at what we’ve done on your computer monitor. Everything in the rendered room has been scaled to the exact size it needs to be in order to ensure the viewer feels as though they are walking around the real TRG office.

Virtual Reality Part II: Augmented vs. Full-Immersion
A couple of weeks ago, we talked about virtual reality via mediums such as Oculus and Morpheus. In that blog, we focused on how this not-so-new immersion technology was making a huge comeback, impacting several industries in the near future, such as home improvement, gaming, and medicine. But what you may not be aware of is that there is a different kind of “reality” out there – augmented reality – and just like it’s full-immersion cousin, the artistry behind this technology is right up TRG’s alley.

The Steps (And Missteps) of Project Management
With every project we manage at TRG Reality, there are a series of steps we make sure to follow. Our project managers will walk you through these steps to guarantee the flawless results on which we pride ourselves. Having said that, no project is without its hurdles, but we will partner with you to overcome those hurdles and produce the results you’ve come to expect from our expert service. Below are the five stages of a typical project and all that we do to ensure we are exceeding your expectations and needs.

CGI Retouching Vs. Photography Retouching
There are many differences between CGI vs. real life photos, especially in image retouching, Here are the advantages and disadvantages of both.